Back to School Safety Tips from a Personal Injury Attorney
It’s back-to-school season! From school buses to hurried parents and young drivers, it’s important to remember that the roads are busier than ever with school back in session. At Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys, we’ve seen many unnecessary tragedies occur on the road, so we collected these back-to-school safety tips to help families in our community have a happy and safe school year.
Be Mindful of School Zones
Be mindful of school zones, and always follow the reduced speed limit. Traffic fines are often doubled when a driving offense occurs within a school zone. It’s also best to drive with additional caution when driving through surrounding streets.
Always Stop Behind A School Bus
Always come to a full stop when a school bus stops in front of you, and never pass a school bus from behind. In Louisiana, this could result in serious consequences or even a suspended license. The law states that when a school bus is stopped on a road without a median, drivers on both sides of the road must stop.
Watch out for Pedestrians
Back-to-school season welcomes an increase in children walking and biking as pedestrians. Drivers should always yield to pedestrians in crosswalks, whether marked or unmarked. Even if the pedestrian isn’t using a designated crosswalk, stop and allow them to cross safely.
Stay alert for children walking and biking, even when you’re driving outside of designated school day hours. Drivers must exercise extra caution due to children’s limited traffic experience, unpredictable behavior, and reduced visibility.
It’s Better to Be Late Than Sorry
When school starts there tend to be more cars on the road and with increased volume comes inevitable delays. Plan ahead so you can ensure you’re not rushing to reach your destination.
By being attentive, patient, and following traffic regulations, drivers can help create a safer environment for children as they travel to and from school during the back-to-school season.
Remember that saving a few minutes of time is not worth the risk of injuring a child with your vehicle!