Motorcycle Accident Attorneys in Baton Rouge
If you’ve been in a motorcycle accident, you might be facing mounting medical debt, along with an inability to work, pain and suffering, and a greatly decreased quality of life. Motorcycle wreck injuries tend to be more serious and catastrophic, due to the smaller size of motorcycles and the higher exposure a motorcyclist has to the elements and road.
The Baton Rouge motorcycle injury lawyers at Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys understand the pain, suffering, frustration, and fear you’re experiencing after being the victim of a motorcycle accident. We’re as passionate about helping our clients as they are about their bikes—so when you need help holding the other party to account, give us a call at 225.888.8888.
Drive Safely: Motorcycle Laws in Louisiana
Other than giving yourself the best protection against injury in the event of an accident, following Louisiana motorcycle law is also the best way to ensure you’ll receive the compensation you deserve. Louisiana’s motorcycle statute—LA R.S. 32:190, Subpart G—are among the most comprehensive in the country, meaning they’re proven methods to help keep you safe on every ride.
Inspection and Licensing
All motorcyclists must have an M endorsement on their license. You can get a motorcycle endorsement by passing a knowledge and skills test at your local OMV.
In addition to procuring the proper license to drive a motorcycle, you’ll need to pay the applicable taxes and get your bike inspected within 40 days of your purchase.
Helmet Laws in Louisiana, and Other Gear Considerations
While a bike is moving, both motorcycle operators and passengers are required to wear a suitable, DOT-approved motorcycle helmet. Helmets should have adequate padding and lining for the head, an eye visor, and a secure chin strap.
You’ll also need protective eye coverings if your motorcycle doesn’t have a windshield that’s high enough. You should, but are not required to, wear padded clothing that covers your whole body, to prevent road rash and other injuries in the event of a crash.
Traffic Lane Considerations for Motorcyclists
In Louisiana, motorcycles have full use of all traffic lanes. However, you may not ride side-by-side in a single lane, and you can’t pass another vehicle in their lane or drive your bike between lanes. Think of your motorbike as a car as far as traffic lanes are concerned.
Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Baton Rouge
While there are many causes for motorcycle wrecks near Baton Rouge, one of the most common is driver negligence. Motorcycles can be harder to see or notice because of their smaller size, but drivers should be alert to all vehicles on the road. Negligent driving can take a variety of forms, including the following:
- Driving while distracted or overly tired, or otherwise failing to pay attention
- Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Driving aggressively, either by speeding, failing to yield, tailgating, or driving dangerously
- Swerving in front of, or otherwise cutting off, a motorcyclist at an intersection or on the highway
Another main cause of wrecks is car drivers failing to yield the right of way. Drivers often misjudge a motorcycle’s speed or distance in the oncoming lane when turning left, which leads to many of these accidents.
When driving a motorcycle, always drive defensively and predictably, and be alert and aware of others on the road and always drive safely. If you’re driving a car, watch for motorcycles—your vigilance could save a life.
Common Motorcycle Wreck Injuries
Because motorcycles are more exposed to the elements than cars or trucks, and the driver has less protection from the road, motorcycle accident injuries can be much more catastrophic than other accidents. After a motorcycle wreck, you could be facing mounting medical bills, intensive physical therapy, and a long recovery time. You could even be paralyzed or left unable to work.
Injuries that you could sustain as a result of a motorcycle accident include the following:
- Broken bones and amputations
- Neck injuries
- Severe burns
- Scrapes, bruises, road rash, and disfigurement
- Spinal cord injuries, that can lead to partial or total paralysis
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Wrongful death
The statistics are sobering: even though motorcycles make up 3% of all registered vehicles in the United States, they account for 15% of all traffic accident fatalities. Motorcycle drivers are 26 times more likely to die in a crash than their car-riding counterparts.
What Do I Do If I’m in a Motorcycle Accident?
If you’re the victim of a motorcycle accident in Baton Rouge, move to a safe location and call 911 right away. Paramedics will address your injuries, and the officer on the scene will document the evidence for your motorcycle accident claim.
You should also contact an experienced motorcycle accident injury lawyer at Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys for a free legal consultation. Our experienced personal injury lawyers know how to help you get the highest possible compensation for your injuries and other damages.
We’re committed to all the motorcyclists in Baton Rouge—almost as much as you’re committed to your bike. Give our Baton Rouge law office a call at 225.888.8888 after you’ve been involved in a motorcycle wreck to get the help you deserve.
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Baton Rouge Motorcycle Lawyer Lawyers
Settlements & Verdicts
Side Swiped on I-10 by Big Truck
Client was driving on I-10 when they were side-swiped and involved in a big truck wreck. Resulted in shoulder, neck and back injuries. $250,000 settlement.
18 Wheeler Wreck in Erath Causes Client to Suffer from Broken Wrist & Bruised Ribs
18 wheeler wreck in Erath, Louisiana resulted in our client suffering from a broken wrist and bruised ribs.
Client Rear Ended by Bellsouth Van
Client was stopped in traffic and then rear ended by a BellSouth van. Case settled for $500,000.
Sideswiped by 18 Wheeler and Dragged Several Yards
Our client was sideswiped by an 18 wheeler and dragged several yards. Case resulted in $425,000 settlement. Bruised Ribs, Back & Neck Pain
Wreck in Livingston Parish
Client was involved in a wreck in Livingston Parish which resulted in head, back and shoulder injuries. Case settled for $120,000.
Front End Wreck
Our client was in a wreck where they were struck on the front end, resulting in injuries and a settlement of $199,800.
Well blow Out Causes Severe Injuries
Our client, an inland drilling barge worker, suffered severe and permanent injuries after a well blow out.
Client Rear Ended Causing Pain
Client was rear ended resulting in neck, check and back pain and a settlement of $150,000.
Airplane crash causes life threatening injuries
A DeRidder couple, among four passengers who survived a January 1988 airplane crash near Camden, Ark, will share in a more than $1 million legal settlement.