Winter Hits Louisiana: Gordon McKernan’s Mock Backyard Duck Hunt
Louisiana rarely experiences snowstorms, so the recent unprecedented winter weather surprised everyone. At Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys, we embrace the unexpected—something Gordon demonstrated during the storm in a way only he could.
As an avid sportsman and hunter, Gordon didn’t let the storm keep him from his passion. Instead, he staged a duck hunt right in his own backyard! Of course, the video was all in good fun, and no ducks were harmed. The moment captured Gordon’s creativity and humor, showing how he brings lightheartedness to any situation.
Gordon set up decoys in the snow, wore full hunting gear, and turned his backyard into a playful nod to one of his favorite pastimes. This wasn’t about the actual hunt; it offered a glimpse of Gordon outside the courtroom—someone who knows how to make the best of every situation.
Louisiana winters don’t usually call for duck decoys in the snow, but this creative twist on a classic pastime brought a sense of fun to the community. It’s not every day that a backyard transforms into a snowy hunting scene!
At Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys, we continually look for ways to connect with the people we serve. Whether through community involvement, local events, or even a staged backyard duck hunt, we show up for Louisiana. Life brings unexpected twists—some lighthearted, like snowstorm fun, and others more serious, like an accident or injury. Whatever the challenge, we’re here to help you get it done.