Has Your Child Been Injured as a Result of an Accident? Get Gordon!

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Louisiana Child Injury Lawyer - Get Gordon McKernan

Your child getting injured can be one of the most worrisome experiences of your life. When their injuries have been caused because of another adult’s negligence, that worry can be compounded with righteous anger and a hunger for justice. If someone has caused an injury to your child, consider filing a personal injury claim against that party to get the compensation you deserve.

Common Causes of Louisiana Child Injuries

Children can be injured due to a number of reasons, such as accidents, neglect, and even abuse. Many of these injuries are preventable. Children can experience all of the same injuries as adults, including

A child with a, injured arm in a hospital bed

Situations That Can Result in Child Injury

While their injuries often resemble adults’, the situations in which children are injured tend to differ wildly. Children can be injured in a number of scenarios, including

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Who’s Liable for a Child’s Injury?

Depending on the situation and circumstances of your child’s injury, a number of people, businesses, or other entities could be found liable. These include daycare workers, teachers, the school system or daycare, other parents, and others.

Recognizing Children’s Injuries

The leading cause of death for children from the ages of 10–19 is accidental injuries. Children tend to be less coordinated than adults, which makes them more prone to accidents. Add to that a child’s changes as they grow—in their abilities, independence, and risk-seeking behaviors—and its’ easy to see how children can be more likely to be injured.

Children tend to also be more curious than adults, and their relative inexperience can mean that they’re less likely to notice danger. This is why it is vitally important to watch children closely, and why adults who don’t could be held accountable for the child’s injuries.

What Is An Attractive Nuisance?

An attractive nuisance is a dangerous item or feature that young children could trespass and be hurt on. For example, a homeowner may have a pool—in which case, it’s their responsibility to take the proper steps to ensure that children can’t access it. If children do trespass and drown or otherwise get hurt, the owner can be held liable for their injuries.

If your child was injured on someone else’s property by an attractive nuisance, call an experienced child injury lawyer with Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys today. We can you provide a free legal consultation and help you recover the compensation you need to pay for your child’s medical expenses and other costs.

Before Calling Insurance, Talk to a Skilled Louisiana Injury Lawyer

A child's bicycle and helmet on the road after an accident with a car in the background

After your child is hurt, the first thing you should do is call 911. The first responders on the scene will be able to keep your child stable, and the officer’s report will serve as important evidence in the coming claim process.

However, before you call your insurance, call Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys. Unfortunately, insurance companies are more concerned about their profit margins than about the well-being of your family, and so will probably offer the legal minimum amount for your child’s injuries. An experienced child injury lawyer will be able to convince them that you need more than the minimum to move on with your lives.

Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys Have Proven Child Injury Case Results

The lawyers on the Get Gordon team have 679+ years of combined legal experience helping families and individuals get the compensation they need to heal. Here’s just a few of the multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements we’ve helped Louisiana child injury victims recover:

  • $84,000,000 for two children who fell into a pool at an apartment complex, one of whom suffered from brain damage and died later
  • $13,000,000 for a young boy who suffered injuries in a commercial truck accident
  • $2,000,000 for a boy who dove into shallow water at a pool and ended up paralyzed
  • $1,600,000 for the wrongful death of a child in a medical malpractice action
  • $1,500,000 for a case involving administering X-rays to an unborn baby, who was born with a tumor

If your child has been injured, you shouldn’t face the future alone. Call Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys at 888.501.7888 for a free legal consultation, and get the help you need.

Louisiana Child Injury Lawyer Near Me


How It Works

Filing a claim with Gordon Mckernan Injury Attorneys is easy! Simply follow the steps below.


Get Your Free Consultation

Fill out our quick and easy form to find out if your case qualifies. Our consultations are free and confidential, and we are here to help whether you hire us or not! 


An Attorney Will Reach Out

Our team will evaluate your case and decide on the best course of action. One of our lawyers will get back to you promptly and begin the process of winning your case! 


Get Gordon! Get It Done!

Once your case has been evaluated and deemed a good fit for our firm, our team will go to work immediately on gathering evidence, building your case, and getting you the compensation that you deserve. 



Child Injury Lawyer in Louisiana Lawyers

Settlements & Verdicts


18 Wheeler accident causes herniated disc and shoulder injury

Our client suffered from herniated disc and shoulder injury after an 18 wheeler accident.


Big Truck Wreck Roseland

Our client was involved in a big truck wreck in Roseland, LA. It was a T Bone accident resulting in head injuries and a verdict of $225,444.


Passenger Hit by Big Rig

Our client was a passenger hit by big rig from the back resulting in serious injuries. Case resulted in a settlement of $1,700,000.


GSU gas explosion resulting in severe burns

Gas explosion resulted in a severe burn injury. $8,400,000 Verdict was obtained for our client in trial.


Auto Wreck injuring Back and Neck

Client was involved in an auto wreck resulting in back and neck injuries. Attorney Erik Miller handled the case which resulted in a $141,000 settlement.


Armored Truck Wreck

Our client was involved in a bad T-bone wreck with an armored truck resulting in neck, knee and hip injuries and a settlement of $500,000.


Rough Seas Maritime Injury

Our client was involved in a maritime injury case that resulted from rough seas and a lower back injury, which resulted in a $125,000 settlement.


Auto Wreck Results In Neck, Back, Shoulder Injury

Our client was in an auto wreck resulting in injuries to her neck, back and shoulder. The case resulted in a $745,000 settlement


Hit by a Garbage Truck

Our client was hit by a garbage truck which resulted in head, neck and shoulder injuries, and a settlement of $687,500.

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