Some of the products we use everyday—to clean our homes, keep our cars running smoothly, and more—are some of the most toxic. While many of these chemicals are useful and necessary for a clean home, take care when using them:
- Antifreeze (ethylene glycol) can damage the heart, brain, kidney, and other organs.
- Bleach is strongly corrosive, and can damage the lungs, skin, and eyes. Wear rubber gloves and a mask when using bleach.
- Drain cleaners can contain lye and other caustic chemicals that can burn your skin and even cause blindness, and if ingested, can burn your throat and stomach, or even lead to death.
- Carpet and upholstery cleaners contain naphthalene, a known carcinogen that can cause dizziness, headaches, neurological damage, cataract formation, liver damage, and more.
- Ammonia fumes can irritate the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs, and should be avoided by people with asthma, heart, or lung problems. Never mix ammonia and bleach, as they produce deadly chlorine gas when combined.
- Air fresheners contain formaldehyde, which might be carcinogenic and irritates the skin, eyes, and throat.
Most of the dangerous chemicals we use every day are clearly labeled with their risks, and come with instructions on how to use them safely. If you’ve been harmed by a product without the necessary labels, however, you could be entitled to financial compensation for your injuries. Call the toxic tort lawyers at Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys for a free legal consultation.