Injured by an Improperly Loaded Truck in Louisiana? Get Gordon!

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Improperly Loaded Cargo Truck Attorneys in Louisiana

Loading a truck properly is important to avoid accidents.

Shipping is a big business that brings lots of commercial traffic to Louisiana. Online retail has boomed in recent years, and trucking companies are tempted more than ever to maximize their efficiency. Unfortunately, that temptation sometimes leads to violations of safety protocols in place to prevent improperly loaded trucks from becoming dangerous hazards on our roads, and, all too often, traffic accidents are the end result.

A large truck accident caused by poor loading can cause devastating injury, particularly to the occupants of a smaller passenger vehicle that may be involved. Medical bills for any injuries stemming from this type of auto accident can be steep and the recovery process long and difficult. 

Anyone who has been in an improperly loaded truck accident in Louisiana would do well to contact the personal injury lawyers at Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys as soon as possible. We have experience with big rig accidents, and know that they must be dealt with differently than your average car wreck. Call today and see how we can help you.

Why do Improperly Loaded Trucks Cause Accidents?

A heavy duty commercial truck is already an difficult vehicle to maneuver. When it is loaded in a way it was not designed for, keeping proper control, especially at highway speed, can be all but impossible. An improperly loaded truck can lead to a variety of traffic accidents, including:

  • Traffic Collisions. These can result from the inability of the truck driver to stop or change direction, or from mishaps that are unique to tractor trailers, like jackknifing.
  • Infrastructure collisions. Improperly loaded cargo may change the physical dimensions of the truck, making it too wide for a narrow lane or too tall for a low bridge. If any part of the truck or load makes contact, serious and dangerous damage can occur.
  • Lost Loads. This refers to any part of the cargo coming loose from the vehicle and out of the truck drivers control. An unsecured log that falls off a logging truck on the interstate is a lost load, and can become an lethal hazard to anyone nearby.
  • Rollovers. Big trucks naturally have a high center of gravity, but when they are improperly loaded, this can make them even more unstable. This makes the likelihood of the trailer or the entire truck losing control and tipping over much more likely to happen.

All of these types of potential accidents that can be caused by improperly loaded trucks can have long lasting consequences for all that are involved. If you are someone who was affected by this type of truck wreck, call the Louisiana truck accident lawyers at Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys. We have dealt with all kinds of big rig and semi accidents, and we know how to approach yours.

Click to Contact our Louisiana Improperly Loaded Truck Accident Attorneys Today!

Types of Improper Loading

In the shipping industry, there are best practices and strict regulations regarding the correct and secure way to load cargo. In general, any vehicle that is loaded in a way that does not follow these guidelines is an improperly loaded truck. While this can apply to many specific situations, some examples include: 

Poor loading can cause accidents that require the experience of an improperly loaded truck accident lawyer.
  • Overloading
  • Loads that create an unstable high center of gravity
  • Overly long or wide loads
  • Unbalanced cargo
  • Unsecured or loose cargo

If you suffered an injury from an accident caused by any of these factors, or you are unsure if your case qualifies, it is in your best interest to call a personal injury attorney who has dealt with big truck cases before. These are special claims that take experience and knowledge to successfully pursue.

Damages That Can be Included in Truck Accident Claims

If you have been hurt or a loved one has been killed due to an improperly loaded 18-wheeler, you are entitled to reimbursement for any expenses that come from it. These are considered damages, and they are intended to cover any economic, or special damages, and personal losses also known as general damages, that were the direct result of the carelessness of the truck driver or the company that loaded the truck. Some of the damages that can be included in an improperly loaded truck accident claim are:

  • Economic (Special Damages):
    • Emergency Medical Bills
    • Long term Medical Bills
    • Lost Wages
    • Reduced Income
  • Non-Economic (General Damages):
    • Pain and Suffering
    • Emotional Distress
    • Reduced Quality of Life
    • Loss of Consortium with a Spouse

No amount of money will ever make up for the trauma experienced in a collision with a big truck, but not having to worry about going bankrupt due to the negligence of a truck loader can help you focus on your recovery. Let the improperly loaded truck accident lawyers at Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys deal with the details.

Hurt By an Improperly Loaded Truck? Call Gordon McKernan, the One on the Truck!

Whether a big rig was loaded top-heavy and tipped over, or a tractor trailer was over the weight limit and blew out a tire out on the highway, if you were injured because of an improperly loaded truck, Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys want to help you get the compensation you need to recover. 

We are here to stand up to the trucking companies and their teams of insurers, and we will keep them from taking advantage of the victims of their carelessness. We will work tirelessly on your claim collecting evidence, building a strong case, negotiating a settlement, and if we need to, going to court for you. We have recovered over $3 Billion for victims across Louisiana, and when you need us, we’ll be here for you, too.

Call us toll free at 888.501.7888, or contact one of our offices in Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Denham Springs, Hammond, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, Shreveport, and Zachary, and our dedicated team of improperly loaded truck lawyers will get to work evaluating your case. When you need someone who knows about Louisiana truck wrecks, call The One on the Truck!

Louisiana Improperly Loaded Truck Accident Attorney Near Me


How It Works

Filing a claim with Gordon Mckernan Injury Attorneys is easy! Simply follow the steps below.


Get Your Free Consultation

Fill out our quick and easy form to find out if your case qualifies. Our consultations are free and confidential, and we are here to help whether you hire us or not! 


An Attorney Will Reach Out

Our team will evaluate your case and decide on the best course of action. One of our lawyers will get back to you promptly and begin the process of winning your case! 


Get Gordon! Get It Done!

Once your case has been evaluated and deemed a good fit for our firm, our team will go to work immediately on gathering evidence, building your case, and getting you the compensation that you deserve. 



Louisiana Improperly Loaded Truck Accident Attorneys Lawyers

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