How to Preserve Evidence For Your Personal Injury Case in Louisiana?

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How Does Preserving Evidence Help Your Personal Injury Case?

Preserving evidence is crucial in a personal injury case as it can significantly strengthen your case and increase your chances of receiving proper compensation. When you keep the right evidence, you have solid proof of what happened and the injuries you suffered. This makes it more difficult for the other side to deny they’re responsible or minimize how much you should get paid.

Here are ways preserving evidence helps your personal injury case:

  • Determining Who’s Responsible: Preserving evidence is like laying the groundwork to show who caused the accident or injury. It helps you prove that the other party is to blame.
  • Proving Causation: It helps establish a clear link between the incident and your injuries, proving that the other party’s carelessness or wrongdoing directly led to your injury.
  • Enhancing Your Bargaining Power: With strong evidence, you have a stronger position when negotiating a settlement because the other side has less to argue against your demands.
  • Getting Evidence Relevant You Can Use: When you send evidence preservation letters, you make sure that the evidence is safe from being tampered with or destroyed. This helps ensure that it can be used if the case goes to court.

Types of Evidence in Personal Injury Cases

1. Physical Evidence

Physical evidence refers to things like objects, documents, photographs, or any tangible item that provides direct or indirect proof of the incident or injury. This can include damaged property, vehicles, clothing, or any other item that may help figure out what led to the accident. Preservation of physical evidence is crucial because it can show what caused the problem, how bad the injuries are, or any problems that might have caused the accident.

2. Witness Testimony

Witness testimony is an essential form of evidence in personal injury cases. If eyewitnesses saw the accident happen, they can tell you how it happened, who caused it, and how bad the injuries are. It’s important to keep what they say in writing or on record because people can forget or not want to help later on. Their testimony can play a pivotal role in establishing the facts and supporting your claim.

3. Medical Records 

Medical records are vital evidence for personal injury cases as they show what injuries you sustained and what treatment you received. These records can include test results, X-rays, surgery notes, and progress updates on how you’re doing. 

You should keep all your medical records because they prove the connection between your injuries and the accident. They also help figure out how much you should be compensated for what you’ve been through. These records are the building blocks of your case, showing how the injury affected you and what you should get as compensation.

Tips for Preserving Evidence in Your Personal Injury Case

It’s always important to remember that preserving evidence is essential to building a strong personal injury case. With the guidance of an experienced Louisiana personal injury attorney, here are six things you can do to help preserve evidence

1. Document The Scene

Take photographs and videos of the accident scene, including any relevant landmarks, road conditions, weather, and any visible injuries or property damage. These visuals can serve as crucial evidence for your personal injury claim.

2. Gather Witness Information

Collect contact information from any witnesses who may have seen the incident happen. Their statements and testimony can help confirm your version of events.

3. Seek Immediate Medical Attention

If you sustain injuries, promptly seek medical treatment and keep detailed records of all medical visits, treatments, and prescriptions. This shows the connection between the accident and your injuries.

4. Preserve Physical Evidence 

Keep any physical evidence from the accident, like torn clothes, broken stuff, or car parts. This evidence can be vital in showing who’s responsible and how bad your injuries are in your injury case.

5. Maintain a Detailed Journal

Create a daily journal to record your pain levels, emotional distress, and how the injuries affect your daily life. Also, write down all the times you go to the doctor, your appointments, and how much money you spend on your injuries. This can help establish the extent of your damages.

6. Communicate Carefully 

Be careful when talking to government agencies, insurance companies, the other person, or on social media. Avoid admitting fault or making statements that could be used against you. Talk to a personal injury lawyer before you say anything or agree to a settlement.

Contact Us for Expert Guidance On How To Preserve Evidence

If you’ve experienced a personal injury in Louisiana, it’s important to preserve every piece of evidence to help support your claim. Our highly experienced team of personal injury lawyers here at Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys in Louisiana is well-versed in the legal regulations surrounding such cases, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Collectively, our attorneys have combined over 679+ years of combined legal experience, specializing in personal injury claims. We have a proven track record of securing over 200+ Personal Injury Million+ verdicts and settlements. Our commitment is to ensure our clients receive the maximum compensation possible and that justice is served in their cases.