Injured in a Motorcycle Accident in Hammond? Get Gordon!

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Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Hammond

A group of motorcycle riders travelling down the highway

If you were recently injured in a Hammond motorcycle accident, reach out to a dedicated motorcycle injury lawyer with Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys at 985.888.8888 for a free case review today. We’ll talk with you about how we can help recover compensation for your injuries so that you can focus on healing.

The knowledgeable accident lawyers on the Get Gordon team have 679+ years of combined legal experience helping our clients across Louisiana win over $3 Billion in compensation for their injuries. We can help you and your family recover the compensation you deserve.

Click to Contact Our Motorcycle Accident Injury Lawyers in Hammond Today

How We Can Help After Your Hammond Motorcycle Accident

The legal team at Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys is focused on securing results for our injured clients, which is why we take an aggressive approach on every case. Our full-service Hammond injury law firm is proud to offer the following services as we help you recover compensation:

  • Conducting a full investigation into the cause of your motorcycle accident
  • Working with accident reconstruction experts to build a full picture of the crash and the property damages it caused
  • Working with medical and financial experts to create a full accounting of your injuries and their costs
  • Negotiating on your behalf with your insurance, the other party’s insurance, and their lawyers
  • Advocating fiercely on your behalf and protect your rights in court, should a fair settlement fail

The lawyers at Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys have years of experience handling motorcycle accident cases, which is important because motorcycle wrecks can be quite different than other traffic accidents. Motorcycle accidents are generally more complex, and involve more serious injuries, than other auto accidents in Hammond.

These lead to higher costs, and higher costs lead to the other party fighting harder to avoid paying out the compensation you deserve. Insurance can put up a heavier fight when serious injuries are involved, so having a trusted lawyer by your side can improve your odds of receiving fair compensation for your injuries. Call Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys today at 985.888.8888 for a free consultation to learn how we can help you.

Hammond Motorcycle Laws

The best way to maximize your compensation after a motorcycle wreck is to follow all the Louisiana motorcycle laws on the books. Plus, following the following laws will help you stay safe on the road:

Motorcycle Licensing and Inspection

A motorcycle and helmet resting on the road after an accident near Hammond, LA

Louisiana motorcyclists are required to carry an M endorsement on their licenses, which you can get by passing a motorcycle skills and knowledge test at your local OMV. You’ll also need to pay the required taxes and get your bike inspected within 40 days of its purchase to be street-legal.

Motorcycle Protective Gear

All passengers aboard a motorcycle are required by Louisiana helmet laws to wear suitable, DOT-approved helmets when the motorcycle is moving. Helmets must include head padding, adequate lining, a visor for the eyes, and a secure chin strap.

In addition, if your motorcycle doesn’t have a windshield that’s high enough to protect your eyes, you must wear eye protection while you ride.

Louisiana Motorcycle Traffic Lane Laws

In Louisiana, motorcyclists have the full use of traffic lanes. As a result, they are not allowed to drive side-by-side in a single lane, to pass another vehicle in the same lane, or drive between traffic lanes, also known as lane splitting.

What Causes Motorcycle Accidents?

The most common cause for motorcycle accidents is negligence of passenger car drivers. Motorcyclists are much smaller than other vehicles, and harder to notice—but passenger car drivers have a responsibility to stay alert to all other vehicles on the road.

Negligent driving behaviors that commonly lead to motorcycle accidents include

  • Aggressive driving
  • Driving too fast and other forms of reckless driving
  • Failing to yield right-of-way
  • Traffic violations
  • Vehicle defects
  • Distracted driving
  • Drowsy driving
  • Swerving in front of a motorcyclist at an intersection
  • Cutting a motorcyclist off in traffic

Any time you drive, it’s your responsibility to keep the road safe for everyone else. Motorcyclists should drive defensively and predictably, as well as follow motorcycle safety best practices. However, passenger cars must be watchful for motorcyclists and give them the space and respect they deserve.

Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Even at low speeds, motorcycle accidents can cause major injuries for their victims. Motorcycles simply do not provide the level of protection that passenger vehicles do in the event of an accident, and so motorcyclists are frequently victims of some or more of the following:

If you or a loved one were injured in a motorcycle accident, you should be focused on healing from your injuries and putting your life back together. Leave it to the passionate advocates at Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys to fight for your fair compensation from the liable party.

What Should I Do If I’m the Victim of a Hammond Motorcycle Crash?

Gordon McKernan, the head of Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys in Hammond

Contrary to popular belief, the vast majority of motorcycle crashes are caused by the other driver. Safety is a key priority for most motorcyclists, because they have the most to lose in a crash.

If you’re able to at the scene of your accident, take as many pictures as you can and ask for a copy of the paramedics’ and police reports. These can serve as important evidence in your claim.

As soon as possible after your accident, call the Hammond motorcycle accident lawyers with Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys for a free consultation. We’ll help you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries, lost wages, property damage, and other costs.

Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys cares about all of our clients, and we’re confident we can help you. Give us a call today at 985.888.8888.

Hammond Motorcycle Accident Injury Lawyer Near Me


How It Works

Filing a claim with Gordon Mckernan Injury Attorneys is easy! Simply follow the steps below.


Get Your Free Consultation

Fill out our quick and easy form to find out if your case qualifies. Our consultations are free and confidential, and we are here to help whether you hire us or not! 


An Attorney Will Reach Out

Our team will evaluate your case and decide on the best course of action. One of our lawyers will get back to you promptly and begin the process of winning your case! 


Get Gordon! Get It Done!

Once your case has been evaluated and deemed a good fit for our firm, our team will go to work immediately on gathering evidence, building your case, and getting you the compensation that you deserve. 



Hammond Motorcycle Lawyer Lawyers

Settlements & Verdicts


Wreck on a Bus

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Client Suffered Neck & Back Pains After Car Accident in Baton Rouge

Client was involved in a car wreck in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. After the accident, client suffered from neck and back pains.


Doctor Dies in Helicopter Crash Due to Defect in Fuel Mixture

A doctor dies as a result of a helicopter crash with defective fuel mixture, resulting in $8,025,000 verdict.


Explosion on boat causes burns over seaman’s body

An explosion on boat causes burns on 70% of seaman’s body.


Arm & Leg Injuries Result from Car Accident in Central, Louisiana

Our client suffered arm and leg injuries after being involved in a car accident in Central, Louisiana.


Wreck With An 18 Wheeler

Client was in a wreck with an 18 wheeler. Rear-ended resulting in a disc injury with surgery required.


Car Crash Causes Client to Endure Shoulder Pain & Headaches

Our client was involved in a car crash in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Resulting from the wreck were shoulder and headaches.


18 Wheeler Wreck With Disc Injuries

Clients were traveling in far right lane when 18 wheeler came in their lane and hit them. Resulted in disc injuries with surgery.


Inadequate security against bank

Our client was seriously injured due to inadequate security at a bank.

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